Environment and Sustainability Committee
Inquiry into Energy Policy and Planning in Wales

EPP 24 – Derek Wick


To whom it may concern,


As local residents in this most beautiful part of Mid Wales, we wish to object in the strongest terms possible to any proposals for the development of windfarms in our area through the erection of gigantic Turbines. Not only this, but we object strongly also, to the associated infrastructure (High Voltage power lines) etc. that would be required to facilitate them. 


For the Assembly to agree to these huge Turbines would be an apalling act of vandalism on the countrside and its local residents, and would desicrate forever the wonderful landscape we are blessed with here in Wales. The sight of these monstrosities would blight our landscape for ever, and bring with them major issues including Countryside visualisation, Noise levels, Potential health risks (Pylons), Property price depreciation, Transportation, Tourism etc.


These issues concern us and thousands of others deeply, and trust that the Assembly will reconsider it's energy policy in favour of other less obtrusive options and give the residents of Mid Wales the ongoing peace and tranquility this area and others deserve.   


Yours sincerely


Derek Wick